I think it's really cool that Nora can now recognize singers and bands by their voices and musical stylings. The first Dar Williams song she took to was "The Baby-Sitter's Here," which is an obvious choice for a kid I guess. She used to tell me, "Turn it off! Play Music Class!" when I tried to listen to Dar, but I sang "Baby-Sitter" to her a few times lullaby-style and now she digs it. Now if she hears another Dar song, she says, "That's from 'The Baby-Sitter!'" Ben Folds is "That's from 'The Grinch!' (a song Folds sings on a Christmas compilation we played a lot in December). She has also taken to asking me, "What's that song about?" which is a pretty hilarious exercise. I do tend to like folky music, and many of the songs I like are "about" something, which is helpful, although that something is not always easy to explain succinctly and in two year old terms.
- "Diner" by Martin Sexton. That one's easy. "It's about a diner, which is a type of restaurant."
- "Two of Us," a John Lennon song covered by Aimee Mann and Michael Penn. "It's about friends."
- "This Is Not the House That Pain Built" by Dar Williams. "It's about... uh... a house."
- "Trouble In the Fields," covered by Sarah Harmer. "It's about people. Who are having a hard time."
Now when "Trouble in the Fields" comes on, Nora shouts, "This song about people havin' a hard time, Mommy!"
I think I underestimated how difficult it would be to indoctrinate my child into my musical taste. I always assumed that she would like what I liked because it would be the only thing she ever heard. I thought parents who listened to Raffi 24-7 weren't trying hard enough. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. And by the way, Raffi isn't as bad as I used to think he was. I've heard worse.