Sunday, December 21, 2008


We can't believe it, but it's time to think about preschool. We want to start Nora at 3, and since her birthday is in August, she'll be starting right before or after her third birthday. The ones around here do tours and open houses in January and enroll in February, so that means we will be doing some shopping around in the next month or so. There's also a question of waiting lists and things like that, but I'm not worried about that right now.

These are a few of the ones we want to consider.

The Children's Garden

Druid Hills United Methodist Preschool
First Decatur United Methodist Preschool
Preschool at the Heights

A couple of them sound more interesting to me than others, but I'm really getting ahead of myself because I know I'll learn so much from attending the open houses and meeting the teachers, etc. Jason doesn't have much of an opinion on it at all right now but knowing us I see a comparison spreadsheet in our future.

There is a part of me that is really excited about this for Nora. Even 9 months before fall 2009 I can predict that she will thrive in a school setting. On the other hand, it feels like she's growing up so fast. I regret that she will always be one of if not the youngest in her class (thinking ahead to elementary school and beyond now), but that's just where her birthday falls. As for starting her in preschool at 3, that seems the natural thing to do to me as my sister and I both started at that age and it seems like the trend in Atlanta is to start children even earlier, at 2. In the end I'm sure it will all work out fine. I have to say, it makes me feel very "parental" to be facing these kind of decisions. I know I make parental decisons all day every day, but choosing a school for my child just seems so much bigger than choosing what vegetables she'll be having with her dinner.


Lindsay Mast said...

I must say that our experience at PATH was not as fantabulous as I had hoped. They just raised our tuition so we've pulled Ada out. But she loved it and learned a lot there. I think I was hoping for more of a 'community' feeling, like I would chum around with the moms and that never really happened. Also, as you know, I signed up to do waaaaay too much stuff and it really stressed me out. Good luck!

Blair said...

Thanks for the feedback! One thing that appeals to me about PATH is the tuition, so if it's gone up that's a bummer. The Children's Garden looks really groovy to me, but they're also the most expensive. Druid Hills UMC is my church and they will give us a discount. So who knows what we'll end up doing....

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