Sunday, October 25, 2009

Our "sick day" turned into a sick week. I thought for sure that Nora would be in school on Thursday, but that day she started coughing pretty heavily. She's been having rough nights, too. She again had a low fever, so I kept her home that day. I have a little bit of a cough, myself, and on Saturday I didn't have much of a voice during the day. We're going a little bit stir-crazy, but everyone is in good spirits. Surely she'll be back in school next week? I don't know if we have the flu or not; if we do I guess it's a really, really mild version. Which, I guess if you have to have the flu it might as well be mild, right?

Last weekend, pre-quarantine, we went to the pumpkin patch. Good times--Nora enjoyed apple cider ("It's like apple juice, but it's hot!"), a hay ride, and picking out a pumpkin. I have a hilarious little video of her trying to roll a pumpkin. I really should get another camera cord so I can upload these things. The other day Nora said that she wanted to "cut a hole in my pumpkin and put a face on it and a candle inside," so we decided for the very first time to carve our pumpkin. When I was growing up, my mom always painted ours. Jason said he doesn't remember having pumpkins at his house. We decided to wait until the weekend to tackle it, so last night we got out our dollar store pumpkin-carving kit (we bought it on clearance last year) and decided to make a go of it. This is our result (cameraphone pic).

You'll notice it's toothless. That wasn't the original plan, but whatever, right? It was also supposed to have pupils, but that didn't work out, either. Still, we all worked on it and we all feel a sense of accomplishment. After we were done, I rinsed the seeds and now I'm drying them out so we can roast them later. I don't even like roasted pumpkin seeds very much, but they are a nutritious snack, and Nora and Jason will eat them. I'll nibble on a few. If I end up with more than one cookie sheet's worth, I will probably send a baggie to Nora's class on Tuesday. They could possibly use them for play or for a craft.

If you've ever been on a pregnancy or parenting message board, you may have seen a countdown "ticker." Many women add them to their signatures; you can use them to count just about anything (vacation countdowns, etc.) but pregnancy is the most common. Here's mine.

Is it just me or is 118 days not a long time?


Dara said...

Not a long time at all, your pregnancy is flying by!

Hope this week finds everyone feeling 100% better.

Monika @ Lovely Bookshelf said...

Not a long time at all! (((hugs))) Hope all the sickies in your house go away soon!

kimishoe said...

I'm just now getting over her to your blog! Sorry--I suck.

Tell Jason not to feel bad, we never had pumpkins when I was a kid, either. We never did much to celebrate anything other than birthdays, actually. Wow. That's not depressing or anything.

Anyway, we started having pumpkins when Maile was around two--and I carved one all by myself this year for the first time. I hope to continue this tradition as long as possible!

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