Monday, August 3, 2009

Is it August already?

It's a cliche, but time flies when you're having fun. Recently I was trying to remember what Nora was doing and saying this time last year, and I realized that it was all becoming a blur. And I knew it had been a while since I updated here, but I didn't realize it had been since Easter.

I'm going to try to update every month from now on, for my own records as much as for my small handful of readers. :)

The big news for our family is that we are expecting another baby! The estimated due date is late February, which means I am about eleven weeks pregnant now. That's still early, I guess, but it seems like the time is going by quickly. February will probably be here before we know it. I had an early ultrasound so I was able to see a beating heart when I was about seven weeks along. Everyone keeps asking me how I feel, and so far I feel awesome. I don't have a lot of early symptoms; I felt similarly when I was pregnant with Nora. So, no complaints here. We were going to wait to Nora, but when we told people on Facebook and at our church some people assumed she already knew, so we just went ahead and filled her in. She's vaguely excited. She doesn't know what to expect and it seems so far off that she's not worried about it right now.

Since I last updated we've been a lot of places: South Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Alabama again. We were pretty busy for a while there! We all enjoyed the travel, but by the last trip Nora was over it. She likes being home. Here in Atlanta, we've enjoyed the weather, the parks, the pools, at least one festival (the "Bluesberry" festival in Norcross) with more on the horizon. August will bring birthday cakes--one for Nora and one for me--and September will bring preschool! We talk about school all the time and Nora can't wait.

Here she is picking blueberries.


Getting down to business at the beach.


At the park back in May.


There's not a single day we don't laugh here. There's a lot of sweetness. Almost-three-year-olds come up with the most adorable bits of hyperbole. This morning, Nora told me, "Mommy, all I ever want is to make you happy, happy, happy!" I laughed and told her how much she already made me happy just being herself. She had a baby-sitter this evening ("I love Miss Brooke! I can't wait until she gets here!") and when we got home the baby-sitter showed me a block tower that she had built. "She said, 'Mommy and Daddy are going to be so happy when they see my block tower!'" Brooke explained. (Of course the cat knocked the tower over before we got to see it. Typical!) Nora reminds me of that old song - she's "Alive, awake, alert, enthusiastic!"

Guess that's about it from here. Blog time is brag time here on the Glass Fam blog. Obviously.

1 comment:

Beth said...

She's beautiful! I love the new pictures!

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