Monday, August 10, 2009

A little bit about me.

I usually keep things light in this blog. I mostly talk about Nora and what she's doing. Since I'm pregnant right now, I thought I would write a little bit about my pregnancy and how it's going so far.

As I mentioned before, I don't have a lot of symptoms as far as morning sickness, tiredness, etc. I am actually surprised about that because fatigue is something that strikes me from time to time when not pregnant, and I was pretty fatigued early in my last pregnancy. In any case, it hasn't bothered me until the last week or so, and now it is directly related to insomnia. Insomnia is frustrating and puzzling. I've always been a night owl, but I've never lain awake in bed for hours, unable to fall asleep even if I'm tired. I've been averaging about three hours of sleep a night, which is clearly not enough. I'm hoping that this is something temporary and not something I will be dealing with for the next 6+ months.

I have an appointment tomorrow morning. I'm 12 weeks pregnant now. I'm doing an early glucose screen for gestational diabetes. I'm getting screened early for a few reasons, not the least being that I had GD in my last pregnancy, also diagnosed early. I'm not exactly nervous because I feel like whatever happens will happen. I'm pretty resigned to dealing with GD again, and it wasn't really that bad. It does bring up some negative thoughts, though, mostly frustration with my body. There's also a small part of me that hopes I can avoid the early diagnosis this time, I'm just not sure how realistic that is in my situation. I'm not a diabetic when not pregnant, but my body does have some issues with insulin that are probably exacerbated by pregnancy. How annoying.

Other than that, everything's good. Our membership at the Y expired about two weeks ago, and tomorrow I need to renew so I can try to sign Nora up for ballet and gymnastics. She was all set on ballet, then one of our friends mentioned gymnastics. I think she would enjoy both. For a while I waffled about choosing one over the other, but I've decided to let her do both if there's room in the classes. We tried to renew our membership this weekend, but the membership desk was closed at our location when we stopped by. So I need to stop by East Lake tomorrow and then drive over to the Decatur-DeKalb Y and try to sign her up for classes there. The classes may have filled over the weekend, so I'm going to cross my fingers and hope something's open.

The other day I was looking at the picture at the bottom of this blog. It's of Nora at 22 months. Hard to believe that was just a little bit over a year ago! It's also hard to believe that she she was almost 2 and had so little hair. :) My hair was slow-growing as a baby/toddler, too, so I guess that's one thing she got from me. She's almost 3 and she still doesn't have enough for a real ponytail.

I'll leave you with a video I took last week. I think it's so funny because it's so Nora. At the end you can see her run up to a little girl and grab her hand as if they'd been friends forever, but that was the first time they met. My memory card on the camera filled up right after that moment, but the girl, who was older, seemed confused at first, then ran back into the fountain to play with Nora. They played for a while, holding hands. Then Jason showed up (we were meeting him after work) and we said goodbye and went to check out other parts of the park. An hour later, we passed the little girl who was having a picnic with her family. She said "Bye, Nora!" and waved like they really would be friends forever, even though we'll probably never see her again.


Monika @ Lovely Bookshelf said...

omg I just loooove Nora!! She really is the friendliest kid I've ever met! LOL

How did I miss that you're pregnant? Congrats!

I can relate to what you said about "frustration with my body" - I feel that way a lot about having had preeclampsia. :( I'll be praying for you on the GD front. I hope this time it leaves you alone. :)

Blair said...

Monika, I think you've been a little busy lately so I'm not surprised you missed the announcement. ;) I'm 12 weeks now so the cat hasn't been out of the bag for too long.

Based on the screen it looks like I'm headed down the GD path again, but I guess it is what it is. I am really fortunate that it was manageable for me last time so I hope it will be this time as well.

I can't wait to meet Cai when she's strong enough! I love seeing her grow through your FB/blog. She's a beautiful girl.

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