Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sticking with it.

I finished my first 12 week Jeff Galloway session last week. This week, I started the next session. It's been pretty amazing. I've improved so gradually that I barely even noticed how much harder I was working every week.

Being part of a group has been outstanding for me. It makes the workouts go by so much faster and easier, and it's just nice knowing that somebody will notice if you're there or not.

I'm supposed to go out by myself at least once a week, and that has been gratifying in it's own way. I try to use those sessions to push a little harder, so if I'm huffing and puffing more than usual I'm not slowing anyone else. I bump up my intervals so I'm doing more running and less walking. During the runs I sometimes get so frustrated. Tonight was a super short one (I'm following a training program that dictates the number of minutes I run). I was really unhappy with the way I was feeling, telling myself that this was way harder than it should have been and it must be because I have not been trying hard enough lately. I actually felt so bad that I had flashbacks to my first week
and wondered if I had made any progress at all. Then I got home and looked at my GPS running app.

2 minutes, y'all. I shaved two minutes off my usual pace. Yeah, it's likely because of that interval bump and the fact that this was a shorter run than usual, but it's just the beginning. I'm still making progress. I saw a number I have never seen before.

I remember being in labor with Anneliese, struggling and thinking about how I'd like to quit. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere. At just the right moment, my doula looked at me and said, "You're doing this, Blair." Such a simple statement, but it brought it all into perspective for me.

I am doing this.

Friday, July 8, 2011


One of my recent preoccupations has been the new site It's a streaming music site where you can play DJ in one of many themed "rooms." I like hanging out in the folk rooms, but there's a room for most varieties of popular music, and if you don't see one you like, you can create one.

The selection at Turntable is currently very user-driven. You can even upload your own songs if the ones you want to play aren't already in the system. The site is in beta right now and I suspect it will be greatly more restricted by the time it's all said and done, but in the meantime, there's a great energy there, and a spirit of genre-bending and exploration. I'm more excited about listening to new music than I have been in a while.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy July 4

If you're On CST, I still have time to wish you a happy day.

Mine was filled with sweetness. And other stuff, but mostly sweetness.

Anneliese's first blog post

Anneliese is clearly adept with technology as, at the age of 16 months, she has written and published her first blog post AND included a video. When my friend Dara e-mailed me and said, "That video
of Anneliese is cute!" my first response was, "What video?" I searched my phone and found a rogue video apparently recorded under my computer desk. The next question was, "Where?" I didn't see it on Facebook. Turned out she used Posterous to post it here. I'm just glad it didn't feature me (Nora takes horrifying digital photos of me, often undressed) or any of the more embarrassing parts of my house.

Speaking of Posterous, i never did figure out what the deal was. After hearing an NPR piece about Tumblr I feel like it may be more my style, but I'm afraid if I move everything over there it will suddenly go the way of MySpace. I've been reading or writing blogs since before they were called blogs. I've never been very prolific but I have seen a lot of platforms cone and go.

'tis all.